
Big Data : Analytics in Revolution for Business and Science


Big data can tremendously improve a company’s performance.

Many company owners or accountants don’t look at all the numbers, misread the numbers, or don’t know how to scale faster and more effectively. In this audiobook, you can listen to information on topics like:

Obstacles most businesses face when trying to process technological data

Customer analysis based on data to understand them better

Using databases to create more wealth, higher profit margins, and happier customers

Improving business data storage and using video marketing services the right way

Human resources data and challenges when looking at small and big data

Better performance and security though online data and protective systems

Safeguarding your data from various security attacks

Become familiar with the secret gems hiding beneath the numbers. These are the details that will keep your company, customers, and profits safe and help them grow at a steady or accelerated pace.

Narrator: Jason R. Gray