Are you fit and healthy enough to be able to do everyday tasks? Is your body at its optimal efficiency and ready for life in general? Do you want to know more about how functional fitness could improve your overall health? Functional fitness is the act of doing movements that copy everyday actions, such as lifting, stretching and balancing, that incorporates multiple muscles groups at the same time. This can help to build strength, stability and mobility throughout the body and enable us to become more efficient in everyday life. In this audio book, Functional Fitness: The Ultimate Guide for Your Workout Routine, you can learn what this new concept in fitness is and how it can shape your body into what you want it to be, with chapters that look at: - What Functional Fitness is all about - The benefits of Functional Fitness for you - Functional Fitness and other exercises for you to try - Common mistakes people make with Functional Fitness And more... Functional Fitness helps our bodies to move more easily and effectively and its low impact workouts mean that you do not place undue stresses on your body that can lead to injury. With the added benefits of increased flexibility, coordination, balance and posture, Functional Fitness is suitable for any age group and could make a big difference to the way you look and feel. Get a copy now and see why Functional Fitness is best for you!
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