Gerontology is a discipline with a very strong interdisciplinary orientation - ageing can probably only be understood through a synergy-rich linking of different fields of study. In this fully revised second edition, this book - first published in 2004 - places the full emphasis on the interdisciplinary nature of gerontology. Psychological, sociological, biological, geriatric, gerontopsychiatric aspects, as well as aspects from other fields, are incorporated into the presentation of basic theoretical, empirical and methodological issues in gerontology. In addition, the social importance of gerontology and its history from ancient times to the present day are also brought out - before the final chapter asks, 'Quo Vadis Gerontology?' Overall, the book provides a compact system of arrangement for today=s deluge of concepts, theories, findings and interventional options in gerontology.
Das lange Leben leben - aber wie? : Interdisziplinäre Blicke auf Altern heute und morgen
Hans-Werner Wahl, Hans Förstl, Ines Himmelsbach, Elisabeth Wacker
bookGerontologie - Einführung und Geschichte
Hans-Werner Wahl, Vera Heyl
bookUmwelten des Alterns : Wohnen, Mobilität, Technik und Medien
Katrin Claßen, Frank Oswald, Michael Doh, Uwe Kleinemas, Hans-Werner Wahl
bookSingles im mittleren und höheren Erwachsenenalter : Sozialwissenschaftliche und psychologische Befunde
Stephan Baas, Marina Schmitt, Hans-Werner Wahl
bookSelbständigkeit und Hilfebedarf bei älteren Menschen in Privathaushalten : Pflegearrangements, Demenz, Versorgungsangebote
Ulrich Schneekloth, Hans-Werner Wahl