
Get Ready For Impact : Practical Business Tools To Stand Out, Win Trust And Influence Every Day


In a world with so much noise, standing out and being memorable has become a huge challenge in business.

Imagine if you were able to have impact with every person you met.

Imagine if you were able to cut through the noise and create meaningful relationships.

Imagine if you were someone who people remembered.

You don't have to imagine, this book will show you everything you need to know to stand out, win trust and influence everyday.

Anthony believes that the quality of life is directly related to our ability to make strong choices and build quality relationships. Anthony dedicates his presentations to helping people exceed at both, and he walks his talk. Anthony's dedication to his craft has led him to being one of the most booked and loved mentalists in Australia, and is a regular on Australian TV, being voted Studio 10's top TV moment in 2016.

"My mission is to inspire others to take action, build influence, and fulfil their life's potential"

Narrator: Anthony Laye