This present volume aims to stimulate Bucer-research as it brings together a selection of the best of De Kroon's and Van't Spijker's articles some of which appear for the first time in English translation. In the first section Bucer is described as taking his independent stand in the patristic and scholastic tradition. The next five articles go into the close personal and theological relation between Bucer and John Calvin and make clear how much of Bucer works through in Calvin and Calvinism. Bucer's efforts to bridge theological and ecclesiastical gaps brought him often in discussion with catholic as well as protestant theologians. How he dealt with this is the topic of the third section in this volume. The two following articles deal with his view on discipline and on the right of resistance. The next articles deal with Bucer's doctrinal legacy and the last section focuses on sanctification as one of the most important characteristics of his theology.The most important issues of contemporary Bucer-research and the outlines of his theology are convincingly presented in this volume by known experts for this topic.
Melanchthon und die Reformierte Tradition
bookPhilip Melanchthon : Theologian in Classroom, Confession, and Controversy
Irene Dingel, Timothy J. Wengert, Robert Kolb, Nicole Kuropka
bookThe Myth of the Reformation
bookCalvin and Luther: The Continuing Relationship
bookAugustine of Hippo and Martin Luther on Original Sin and Justification of the Sinner
Jairzinho Lopes Pereira
bookReformation und Rationalität
bookIn-visibility : Reflections upon Visibility and Transcendence in Theology, Philosophy and the Arts
bookKonsolidierung des reformierten Bekenntnisses im Reich der Stephanskrone : Ein Beitrag zur Kommunikationsgeschichte zwischen Ungarn und der Schweiz in der frühen Neuzeit (1500-1700)
Jan-Andrea Bernhard
bookLaw and Religion : The Legal Teachings of the Protestant and Catholic Reformations
bookDie Präsenz Christi im Amt : Am Beispiel ausgewählter Predigten Martin Luthers, 1535–1546
Jonathan Mumme
bookPreparing for Death, Remembering the Dead
bookReformed Majorities in Early Modern Europe