
More Time for Health : The Busy Moms Health Bible


Work a full-time job, clean and cook for your family, ensure homework and housework are done and everyone is prepared for the next day… Being a mom is easy, right? Face it. When you are a mom, you will never have the time to spare for self-care—which is why it is necessary for you to make the time.

You can’t look after everyone if you don’t first take care of yourself.

If you want to ensure that your family gets the best of you rather than what's left of you, then this is the book for you.

More Time for Health: The Busy Mom's Health Bible is not about making you the perfect mom, it’s about making you a healthy and happy mom.

Here is a sneak peek of what's inside:

the true meaning of self-care simple guides to healthy eating weight loss tips and tricks stress management techniques And there are many more resources, tips, and guides that More Time for Health: The Busy Mom’s Health Bible has to offer.

Taking care of yourself is a significant part of taking care of your family because a happy, healthy mom means a happy, healthy family.

And More Time for Health: The Busy Mom's Health Bible can show you how to make it all happen.

Narrator: Rhonda Pownall
