In this volume Frank Ewerszumrode studies the Eucharist teachings of Johannes Calvin from a Roman Catholic perspective. At the center of his focus lies the question concerning the real presence of Christ in the bread and wine. First the author describes Calvin´s position on this matter in the context of the internal controversy among the Reformers concerning the nature of the Eucharist. A closer look reveals that broad agreement reigns between Calvin´s theology in this matter and the Roman Catholic teaching of transsubstantiation.
Calvinus sacrarum literarum interpres : Papers of the International Congress on Calvin Research
bookCalvins Erbe : Beiträge zur Wirkungsgeschichte Johannes Calvins
bookDivine Accommodation in John Calvin's Theology : Analysis and Assessment
Arnold Huijgen
bookCalvinus clarissimus theologus : Papers of the Tenth International Congress on Calvin Research
bookCalvinismus in den Auseinandersetzungen des frühen konfessionellen Zeitalters
bookRights in the Law : The Importance of God's Free Choices in the Thought of Francis Turretin
James E. Bruce
bookBritain and the Bestandstwisten : The Causes, Course and Consequences of British Involvement in the Dutch Religious and Political Disputes of the Early Seventeenth Century
Eric Platt
bookThe Light of Grace: John Owen on the Authority of Scripture and Christian Faith
Andrew M. Leslie
bookCalvinus Pastor Ecclesiae : Papers of the Eleventh International Congress on Calvin Research
bookRichard Hooker and Reformed Orthodoxy
bookReformation of the Commonwealth : Thomas Becon and the Politics of Evangelical Change in Tudor England
Brian L. Hanson