Rainer Eisfeld's book highlights the merits of socio-historical research into topics infrequently covered by mainstream political science. Directing attention to the need for carefully scrutinizing the convenient "truths" of established - post-Nazi, post-Communist - political narratives, its chapters encourage reflection of the discipline's history and state of the art. A companion volume to the 2012 book entitled Radical Approaches to Political Science: Roads Less Traveled (also published by Barbara Budrich), this collection is likewise based on an approach to political science informed by a theory of participatory pluralism and grounded in history. The chapters focus on the discipline's fragmentation and its retreat from public debate; on the varying roles of political science and international relations as champions of more or less democracy; on normative and analytical concepts developed by Hannah Arendt, Klaus von Beyme, and Robert A. Dahl; on the deconstruction of the "Peenemünde Legend" about the unspoiled rule of science at the Third Reich's missile development center; on reasons for the Peenemünde engineers' actual complicity in the exploitation of concentration camp labor to mass-produce their V-2 missile. "Rainer Eisfeld's leadership in the fields of pluralism and analysis of the discipline in the International Political Science Association means that he has quite a background to share with us in this, his most recent, collection of essays." John Trent
VON ANDROMEDA BIS UTOPIA : Eine Zeitreise durchs österreichische Fandom
Alfred Vejchar, Rainer Eisfeld, Dieter Braeg, Hans Langsteiner, Robert Christ, Gustav Gaisbauer, Franz Rottensteiner, Hermann Ritter, Peter Soukup, Hermann Urbanek, Eduard Lukschandl, Hubert Straßl, Axel Melhardt, Reinhard Habeck, Herbert W. Franke, Gerhard Schneider, Verena Zimmermann-Lasser, Bernhard Schaffer
bookVON ANDROMEDA BIS UTOPIA : Eine Zeitreise durchs österreichische Fandom
Alfred Vejchar, Rainer Eisfeld, Dieter Braeg, Hans Langsteiner, Robert Christ, Gustav Gaisbauer, Franz Rottensteiner, Hermann Ritter, Peter Soukup, Hermann Urbanek, Eduard Lukschandl, Hubert Straßl, Axel Melhardt, Reinhard Habeck, Herbert W. Franke, Gerhard Schneider, Verena Zimmermann-Lasser, Bernhard Schaffer
bookEin neuer Blick auf 1968 : Impulse für eine engagierte Politikwissenschaft
Rainer Eisfeld
bookUNSER WALTER : Ein kleines Büchlein zum Gedenken an Walter Ernsting anlässlich seines 100. Geburtstags – mit Texten von Weggefährten, Kollegen und Freunden, Gebliebenen und Weitergereisten
Marcel Bieger, Dieter Braeg, Rainer Eisfeld, Thomas R. P. Mielke, Ernst-August Pösse, Herrmann Ibendorf, Ronald M. Hahn, Elmar Wohlrath, Uwe Luserke, Frank G. Gerigk, Monika Niehaus, Helmut Ehls, Gert Zech, Marianne Ehrig, Marianne Sydow, Jörg Weigand, Karla Weigand, Uschi Zietsch, Reinhard Habeck, Inge Ranz, Wolfgang Thadewald
bookRadical Approaches to Political Science: Roads Less Traveled
Rainer Eisfeld