
The Hidden Truth About Being A Single Parent


In recent times, the number of children who are being raised by single parents has drastically increased. Cases of divorce have been on the increase, and from the look of things, divorce is as normal as marriage in the present day. Gone are the times when people stayed in marriages that were not working because of the fear of stigmatization.

Now, for most people, happiness is all that matters even if they have to make difficult choices to get it.

Single parenting is a Herculean task. Tough does not even begin to describe it. Raising children under the same roof with a partner is difficult enough, not to talk of doing it alone.

Many single parents have confessed that sometimes, they had felt as if they could go no further, but for the sake of their children, they always found themselves going extra miles. Some are still yet to get the hang of it, and that is entirely understandable.

Thankfully, this book has got all the help you would need as a single parent. It is not voluminous, which is a plus because that way, you can read it over and over again in no time.

“THE HIDDEN TRUTH ABOUT BEING A SINGLE PARENT,” concisely talks about factors affecting single parents.

Factors affecting their children are not left out. So, you see, this book is a must-read for every single parent out there. Even if you have gotten the hang of it, there will always be something you can learn.

The highlights of this book include;

Advantages of being a single parent

To be honest, single parenting is not a bleak and perpetually unfortunate situation. There are some advantages too. If you have accepted your status, you will see the many benefits of singlehandedly raising your children.

Disadvantages of being a single parent

Now, everyone knows that single parenting is not all peaches and roses. There are thorns too, and these thorns prick.

Fortunately, what matters is how you choose to handle your situation. When life throws lemons at you, do you suck them like that or make lemonade out of them? It is up to you.

How to get through single parenting

Best believe, many adults have been single parents for a while, but still, they have not yet figured out how to ride the wave. This part of the book breaks down many tips that would guide the confused single parent; new ones too.

How single parenting affects children

You may be so engrossed in trying to figure out your life and creating a future for your children that you will forget that the way they feel and perceive things matters as much as their basic needs.

Children need care, guidance, and encouragement. A lot of times, they do not talk about things bothering them unless a parent-child bond has been created.

After reading this part, you will understand why your child acts the way they do and how to handle it.

If you want to be a ‘model single parent,’ then this book is for you.