
The History of the Thirteen Colonies of North America: 1497-1763 (Illustrated)


"It has been my object in this book to put into a handy form a short narrative of the History of the Thirteen Colonies. In the limited space at my command I have endeavoured to give as often as possible the actual words of contemporaries, hoping that the reader may thereby be tempted to search further for himself amongst the mass of documentary evidence which still needs so much careful study."

Early English Voyages to North America

Virginia: the First Great Colony of the British

The Colonisation of Maryland and the Carolinas

The Puritans in Plymouth and Massachusetts

Connecticut; Rhode Island and Providence Plantation; New Haven; Maine; New Hampshire

The Fight With the Dutch for Their Settlement of New Netherlands

The Quaker Settlements and Georgia

The Social and Economic History of New England

The Social and Economic History of the Southern and Middle Colonies

The French Colonies in North America

French Aggression

The Struggle Between English and French Colonists