
The Voice of The Silence : Theosophy


“Hast thou attuned thy being to Humanity's great pain, O candidate for light?”

This extraordinary, essential, sacred theosophical text has been carefully cross-referenced and reproduced for republication. It is a verbatim copy of the original 1889 edition, as close as can be reproduced digitally. The only exception being the correction of a very few extremely minor printing press typographical errors. Absolutely no changes have been made to the original writings, the teachings remain pure and completely intact.

“Can there be bliss when all that lives must suffer? Shalt thou be saved and hear the whole world cry?”

“Then from the heart that Power shall rise into ... the place between thine eyes, when it becomes the breath of the ONE-SOUL, the voice which filleth all… 'Tis only then thou canst become a WALKER OF THE SKY …"

The Voice of the Silence. Written down by H.P.B.

Narrator: A.K.
