
You Can Learn Only If you Do Not Know : Brockwood Park 1972 Public Discussion 1


Does learning require thinking, or only awareness?

- To be aware is to be conscious, to be in relationship with what you observeoutwardly and also our inward reactions.

- Awareness reveals that I have a conclusion from which I act, which prevents thefree flow of energy.

- You see that you have many opinions and conclusions.

- You don't know whyyou have them or how to be free of them. Start with not knowing.

- Knowledge is in the past whilst learning is vital, in the present.

- In learning, which is a constant movement, can opinion and conclusion ever beformed?

- Can thought be slowed down naturally? In learning about the function ofthought, slowing down takes place without control or effort.

-Can the mind empty itself without effort?

-Do LSD and other drugs slow down the mind?

Narrator: Jiddu Krishnamurti
