
A World Unseen


The world of humans and the world of the Fae have been separated. The song has been sung and fate shall take its course.

Cregann, the Guardian of Jorygald has sworn to protect his Realm, but with Ella’s sudden appearance in the forest, his homeland is invaded by a force that was believed to be long gone.

Once more, Naviira, a world unseen and almost forgotten by humans, faces the threat of mages’ Order.

The Guardians of the portals must unite. As history is about to repeat itself, they must stand against the threat of the Order.

Together with trusted allies, Cregann must travel on the path through the lands hidden deep within to the last threshold of Naviira.

Even though Ella’s being struck him as foul on their first encounter, he will discover her true nature along the journey.

Secrets will be lifted and promises must be kept.