"Bon-Bon" is a comedic short story by Edgar Allan Poe, first published in December 1832 in the Philadelphia Saturday Courier. Originally called "The Bargain Lost", the story follows a man named Pierre Bon-Bon, who believes himself a profound philosopher, and his encounter with the Devil. The humor of the story is based on the verbal interchange between the two, which satirizes classical philosophers including Plato and Aristotle. The Devil reveals that he has eaten the souls of many of these philosophers.
Edgar Allan Poe: Die Grube und das Pendel - und weitere Klassiker des Horrors : Acht Gruselgeschichten
Edgar Allan Poe
audiobookThe Tell-Tale Heart
Edgar Allan Poe
audiobookbook50 Mystery & Investigation Masterpieces (Active TOC) (ABCD Classics) vol: 2
Mark Twain, Agatha Christie, Arthur Conan Doyle, Edgar Allan Poe, Dorothy Leigh Sayers, G.K Chesterton, Charles Dickens, Jules Verne, Wilkie Collins, Joseph Smith Fletcher, R. Austin Freeman, Maurice Leblanc, Sax Rohmer, ABCD Classics
bookThe Raven
Edgar Allan Poe
audiobookbookThe Purloined Letter
Edgar Allan Poe
bookThe Pit and the Pendulum
Edgar Allan Poe
bookThe System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Feather
Edgar Allan Poe
bookThe Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall
Edgar Allan Poe
bookThe Oblong Box
Edgar Allan Poe
bookThe Premature Burial
Edgar Allan Poe
bookThree Sundays in a Week
Edgar Allan Poe
bookThe Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade
Edgar Allan Poe