
BUDDY BOY A True Story of THE American Family


I wrote this book in a short amount of time. I wasn’t pressured. I enjoyed writing it. “Buddy Boy” is my Grandad’s nickname. I’m not sure who gave it to him. I learned a lot watching my Grandad up close. I paid attention to his routines, what he liked to eat, and what he liked to do. Then after he passed away, I started to recognize the things he wanted me to learn. I miss all of my family who passed away but my Grandad was very special to me.

My Grandma and Grandad taught me everything about family and life.Alot of the things I seen and experienced helped me in troubling situations in my life.The stories that I tell are authentic.This book displays different problems within families and communities of brown skinned humans.I wrote this book so my daughters will have something that describes and showcases their family.