It is the author's contention that creating an environment where the client expects change is the foundation of doing effective very brief therapy. His own private practice is one where he rarely sees clients more than one or two times. Clients know in advance that this is the way that he works, and so their expectation is that during this session they are going to get down to the hard stuff. This means working as if each session were the last one. So, this book is about all of the things that are designed to work in a single-session mode.
Guided Imagery : Psychotherapy and Healing Through the Mind Body Connection
Rubin Battino
bookEricksonian Approaches : A Comprehensive Manual
Rubin Battino
bookMetaphoria : Metaphor and Guided Imagery for Psychotherapy and Healing
Rubin Battino
bookMeaning : A Play Based on the Life of Viktor E. Frankl
Rubin Battino
bookCoping : A Practical Guide for People with Life-Challenging Diseases and their Carers
Rubin Battino