
Follow The Crowd : Comfort zones For The Unaware


This book is not about what is good or what is bad, it is about how humanity conforming to create a society. Opening up to higher awareness changes our perception of who we are in the World Of Illusion. Self intimacy allows us to then self-actualize, find our own truth and later create our own world.

I was once a slave to my own matrix codes. The brain is like a computer, we create and write programs from external stimuli, then we follow the commands from the unconscious mind. This way we keep experiencing the same things every day, the mundane, eat and sleep. The glue to the third dimension of awareness is shame. This mental emotion limit our personal power.

As long as the power-hungry can keep the masses in shame, keep many trying to fit in to avoid self embarrassment, they will keep control of the minds. Believe it or not, this system is falling apart. We are all moving into to a higher state of awareness.

Humanity is just following the rules, what seems normal because everybody is doing it, get in line to avoid not fitting in. The system in place, if we do not follow it, we won't be able to survive or experience success. TV, news, and other popular media teach us a man-made reality that benefits the rulers. Anything outside of society's program is bad, scary, or evil.

This is why some try hard to fit in. I asked myself, why am I so ashamed? What do I do now since I am liberated?

This book can help you move up to the 4th and higher dimensions of love, this is where love moves us to experience self-liberating experiences. Without Shame of self, we are left with unconditional love for who we are, no more self-judgment. When we fully express our light which is who we are, this will bring us good fortune, good health, wealth infinite abundance or whatever you can imagine. It's time to move forward from society fixed comfort zones.