
Leading a Spiritual Life : A spiritual person is like the flowers that can live with fragrance in the neighbourhood of thorns


The book aims at developing a spiritual bent of mind in its listener. The author believes that to attain spirituality, one does not need to retire to the jungles, rather one must live in the midst of all the activities of the world and develop the ability to convert material events into non-material or spiritual events. According to the author, “If you want to live as a spiritual person, learn the art of extraction. That is, you have to be able to extract spiritual content from material things. This will give you spiritual food, and thus you will be able to develop yourself as a spiritual person.”

Spiritual living is the greatest need of the day, and in the various chapters of the book, the author enlightens the listener on how to deal with day-to-day problems of failure, stress, unhappiness, and conflict.