
Little Bear Goes on an Adventure


Little Bear is a cheerful, curious forest animal. She loves to play in the woods and lives with her parents, Old Bear and Momma Bear. One day, Little Bear went off by herself to explore the forest. Her parents had no clue. She soon met with a number of adventures!

When Little Bear left her home in the woods, she was excited to see what she could find. She looked and listened carefully as she made her way through the forest. Eventually, she came to a river where she decided to take a bath. After bathing, Little Bear got dry and looked around for something new to see. She found several interesting animals and plants but didn’t see anything that looked like a fruit tree. Feeling hungry, Little Bear sat down and started eating some leaves. She soon heard a noise behind her and turned around to see a hungry jaguar eyeing her for food. Terrified, Little Bear ran as fast as she could.