1. Heirloom Furniture Projects : Timeless Pieces for Your Home

    Chris Marshall, Bill Hylton, John Hooper, Woodworker's Journal, Chris Inman, Rick White, Brad Becker, Ian Kirby, J. Petrovich, Bruce Kieffer, Larry Stoiaken, Stephen Shepard, Stan Schmidt, Randy Bemont

  2. Benches, Chairs and Beds : Practical Projects from Shaker to Contemporary

    Chris Marshall, Woodworker's Journal, John English, Chris Inman, Rick White, Ralph Bagnall, David Larson, Greg Wood, Jim Jacobson, Stephen Shepherd, Lili Jackson, Bruce Kieffer

  3. Workshop Projects : Fixtures & Tools for a Successful Shop

    Chris Marshall, Woodworker's Journal, John English, Chris Inman, Rick White, Brad Becker, Ralph Bagnall, Barry Chattell, Bruce Kieffer, Sandor Nagyszalanczy, Kerry Pierce, Tom Caspar, Keith Hettinger, Dick Dorn, Jeff Jacobson, Lee Urban, Dave Olson, John Premo, Peter Walsh

  4. Jigs & Fixtures for the Table Saw & Router : Get the Most from Your Tools with Shop Projects from Woodworking's Top Experts

    Chris Marshall, Bill Hylton, Woodworker's Journal, John English, Chris Inman, Rick White, Ian Kirby, Jeff Greef, Rob Johnstone, John DeWaard, Ralph Bagnall, Carol Reed, Jim Dolan, Jack Gray, Barry Chattell

  5. Craftsman Furniture Projects (Best of WWJ) : Timeless Designs and Trusted Techniques from Woodworking's Top Experts

    Chris Marshall, Woodworker's Journal, Darrell Peart, John English, Chris Inman, Rick White, Sandra Newman, Joseph Ebler, Brad Becker, Mike McGlynn

  6. Little Book of Biblical Justice : A Fresh Approach To The Bible's Teachings On Justice

    Chris Marshall

  1. Little Book of Restorative Teaching Tools for Online Learning : Games and Activities for Restorative Justice Practitioners

    Kathleen McGoey, Lindsey Pointer

  2. The Little Book of Restorative Justice for Campus Sexual Harms : A Holistic Approach for Colleges and Universities to Address Sexual Misconduct and Relationship Violence

    Rachel Roth Sawatzky, Mikayla W-C McCray

  3. Little Book of Listening : Listening as a Radical Act of Love, Justice, Healing, and Transformation

    Sharon Browning, Donna Duffey, Fred Magondu, John A. Moore, Patricia A. Way

  4. The Little Book of Restorative Justice for Older Adults : Finding Solutions to the Challenges of an Aging Population

    Julie Friesen, Wendy Meek

  5. The Little Book of Restorative Justice Program Design : Using Participatory Action Research to Build and Assess RJ Initiatives

    Alisa Del Tufo, E. Quin Gonell

  6. The Little Book of Youth Engagement in Restorative Justice: Intergenerational Partnerships for Just and Equitable Schools

    Evelín Aquino, Heather Bligh Manchester, Anita Wadhwa

  7. The Little Book of Police Youth Dialogue : A Restorative Path Toward Justice

    Micah E. Johnson, Jeffrey Weisberg

  8. The Little Book of Trauma Healing: Revised & Updated: When Violence Strikes and Community Security Is Threatened

    Carolyn Yoder

  9. The Little Book of Restorative Teaching Tools : Games, Activities, and Simulations for Understanding Restorative Justice Practices

    Lindsey Pointer, Kathleen McGoey, Haley Farrar

  10. The Little Book of Restorative Justice for Colleges and Universities, Second Edition : Repairing Harm and Rebuilding Trust in Response to Student Misconduct

    David R. Karp

  11. The Little Book of Victim Offender Conferencing : Bringing Victims and Offenders Together In Dialogue

    Lorraine S. Amstutz

  12. The Little Book of Restorative Justice for People in Prison : Rebuilding the Web of Relationships

    Barb Toews
