A young sailor named Ishmael embarks on a whaling voyage aboard the Pequod, commanded by the enigmatic and obsessive Captain Ahab. As the ship sets sail from Nantucket, Ishmael becomes embroiled in Ahab's relentless quest for vengeance against the white whale, Moby Dick, who had previously maimed him by severing his leg. The journey takes the crew across the vast expanse of the ocean, encountering dangers both natural and supernatural, as Ahab's obsession consumes him and drives the crew inexorably towards their fateful encounter with the legendary leviathan.
Although today considered one of the cornerstones of American literature, Moby-Dick was not an immediate success. Published in 1851, it was not until the early 20th century that the novel began to receive praise. Since then it has become one of the most famous novelâs in the world.
HERMAN MELVILLE [1819-1891] was an American poet and novelist. Melville was not popular during his own lifetime and largely forgotten upon his death, however, during the 20th century his work was rediscovered and his novel Moby-Dick [1851] is today considered one of the great American novels.