
No Easy Answer


These cases might prove to be West's toughest yet

Detective Garda Sergeant Mike West could do with a break. He's had his fill of complicated cases and wants nothing more than to settle down with his fiancĂ©e. But life has a habit of getting in the way
Two new cases come in: A hit and run where the family of the victim act suspiciously and a missing woman who is found dead from natural causes until the post-mortem suggests foul play. With an investigation into both cases going nowhere, the last thing West or his team need are further complications – they certainly don't need human body parts turning up but that's what they get. Everybody avoids using the words
 serial killer. With no motives, no clues and contradictory evidence, is West destined to fail this time?

No Easy Answer is a murder mystery with a touch of romance, set in the Dublin suburbs.

Sprecher*in: Stephen Daly