
SAI : Secret Agents of the IlluminaRti


With the Black Star nearly finished, the Age of the Crash is near its end! BlogaSaurus: Beings from another dimension. They eat anything and everything, and all they say is chop, chop, grumble and growl, and crap out thorium rods. Thorium: IlluminaRti's only weakness, renders them powerless when exposed to thorium. The Blogs know this! Caesar: Leader of the monkeys now at the zoo. Has a flare for three-piece suits and gold-rimmed glasses. What shenanigans is he up to?

Brenda helps Clarice find her third bone, get into a fight, then take a joy ride in a stolen Tesla! Bambi gets a boyfriend. The director seeks help from unlikely sources! Jack completes his team building of evil! Of course, zombies get loose, and mayhem ensues!