Savanna Facts explores the vital roles of savanna ecosystems in global biodiversity and climate regulation. These grasslands, often seen as simple plains, are in fact complex biomes facing threats from climate change and human activities. The book highlights how factors like rainfall, fire, and grazing affect the plant and animal life, influencing effective savanna conservation strategies. Discover how savannas support a vast array of plant and animal species while providing key ecosystem services like carbon sequestration.
The book begins with a foundation in savanna ecology, climates, and distribution, progressing to examine diverse plant and animal life and their unique adaptations. Major sections focus on the impact of fire and herbivory, as well as the effects of climate change. Drawing from ecological field studies and climate modeling, Savanna Facts presents a factual, accessible view of these ecosystems, making complex scientific information understandable for students, educators, and anyone interested in nature and biology.