Award-winning photographer Peter Guttman presents wide-ranging travel inspiration with vivid images of hidden experiences and eccentric adventures
The magical secret sauce for a memorable, well-lived lifetime is largely cooked up by what one DOES.
D = Do (engaging adventures and experiences)
O = Observe (viewing spectacles and festivities)
E = Eat (indulging in food and drink)
S = Sleep (slumber in dreamy and fantastical abodes)
Do, Observe, Eat, and Sleep provide the backbone for three-time Travel Journalist of the Year Peter Guttman's photographic volume of renegade exploits and privileged knowledge unlike any conventional travel guidebook. Secret Wonders features a striking diversity of experiences that are not often encountered among mainstream vacation pursuits or standard corporate packages. Take in spectacles and settings that are hidden, remote, eccentric, obscure, or unexpectedly imaginative, many rooted in traditions or artistic visions. Experience the grandiosity of a wondrous discovery––a wonder that may spark further investigative curiosity and compels a closer look. An appendix assists the interested reader in further planning these experiences at newfound dream destinations for their own personal enrichment.