
Solfeggio Meditation (285 hz): For Mindfulness, Stress Relief, Motivation, Focus, Deep Sleep, Relaxation, Anxiety, & Self Healing


Solfeggio Meditation (285 hz)

For Mindfulness, Stress Relief, Motivation, Focus, Deep Sleep, Relaxation, Anxiety, & Self Healing

What are Solfeggio frequencies?

The ancient Solfeggio scale is best known for its use in the soothing Gregorian chants, but its history can be traced back to biblical times. The ancient 6-tone scale and another 3 tones that have been discovered since then are considered by many musicologists and scientists to be positive for the mind and body. As early as the 11th century, a Benedictine monk named Guido d'Arezzo introduced the scale we know today as solfeggio frequencies. Unfortunately the scale was lost in the 16th century and was only rediscovered in the 1970s by Dr. Joseph Puleo.

Why the ancient scale is important

It is said that our modern twelve-tone scale suppresses our emotions, stifles our intuition and restricts our consciousness to the point of manifesting physical symptoms such as pain or illness. The frequencies are mathematically consistent with the patterns of our universe and have proven healing abilities. From resolving emotional trauma and opening our consciousness to deepening our relationships and even changing our DNA itself, this ancient scale has far-reaching potential. Through a carrier frequency - in this recording water - this healing sound is made accessible for individual meditation.

285 Hz

Goes even further in treating the body, healing our skin and muscle tissue to remove burns, lacerations and other damage. It improves our health and general well-being by rejuvenating our body, mind and energy levels.