
The Human and the Holy: How to Live a Spirituality Flourishing Life


You will be touched by this unique course.

The culmination of decades of outstanding Catholic theological scholarship and expertly developed teaching, it is designed to help you grasp Christian spirituality more deeply. It will help you grow in faith and understanding.

Your guide is a theology professor honored for her scholarship and celebrated for her teaching excellence.

Gain a powerful new understanding of spirituality and human psychology.

God designed humanity with a unique capacity for an intimate relationship with the divine. Yet, many search for this relationship without satisfaction. The world offers hundreds of routes to spiritual experiences, but the Catholic spiritual path is distinctive.

Christianity offers a rich range of spiritual schools ranging from those of desert fathers through the Benedictine, Franciscan, Dominican and Jesuit approaches. This course will offer an approach to Christian spirituality itself, and its distinctiveness among the religions of the world.

You will examine the concepts of humanity and holiness and their connections within Catholicism. You will begin with some basic but profound questions. In finding answers to these questions, you will come to better understand Catholic spirituality.