
The Perfect Therapy - All About Tango Therapy


The NTT concept incorporates music and techniques derived from

Argentine tango, making it an integral part of Tango Therapy.

However, it encompasses much more than just tango:

It is a method based on tools that are easy to apply, requiring no previous dance or

music skills. These tools can be adapted to exercises involving movement, sitting, or

lying down.

The Neuro Technical Tools (NTT) are designed for physical, psychological, and social

therapy forms. They incorporate physical, cognitive, and interactive exercises with

music that are rooted in scientifically proven principles of brain functioning.

The book describes all target groups, effects, the nature of each tool,

the application mode of the exercises, and their use in neurological

therapies and psychotherapy.

Currently, therapists and medical doctors in approximately 17 countries are engaged in the rewarding work as Neurotango/NTT practitioners. The book includes the fundamental knowledge covered in the certification seminar.

Copyright, trade mark


Simone Schlafhorst

Main Concept Developer
