
The Stayer, Volume 4: The Most Dependable Type


The most essential thing in the world to any individual is to understand himself. The next is to understand the other fellow. From this audio book you are going to learn more about the The Osseous type or The Stayer and about key principles of human analysis. This volume also includes rules for how to understand combinations of different types. Read in English, unabridged.

Externals are not accidental; they always correspond to the internal nature in every form of life. And it is not accidental that the Osseous looks all of these things. He is all of them as definitely as they can be expressed in human nature. Dependability, honesty, economy, faithfulness and his capacity for finishing what he starts are the strongest points of this type. Stubbornness, obstinacy, slowness, over-cautiousness, coldness and a tendency to stinginess are the weakest links in people of the extreme Osseous type.