Ludwig Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus is a groundbreaking work that delves into the realms of logic, language, and philosophy. Originally published in 1922, this book presents Wittgenstein's unique ideas in a concise and cryptic style, reflecting his belief that some of the deepest truths can only be expressed in a seemingly paradoxical form. The Tractatus is structured in numbered propositions, each building upon the last to form a complex web of philosophical thought. This work is considered a foundational text in the realm of logical positivism and has had a lasting impact on the fields of logic and language philosophy. The introduction by Bertram Russell provides valuable insights into the context and significance of Wittgenstein's work, making this edition a must-have for anyone interested in analytical philosophy.
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (The original 1922 edition with an introduction by Bertram Russell)
- 75 seiten