Sapphic Orcs of Torden

Reihe • 1 Bücher

Sapphic fantasy romance with a monstrous twist . . .

RUGA KARRSDAUGHTER, dutiful orc princess with a heart of gold, has spent the years since her sister was elected queen serving the orc country of Torden. Her duties now include marrying an elf princess for a much-needed alliance against an outside threat.

ELKETH CERIDWEN, rakish elf princess with a penchant for chaos, has never lifted a finger in her life. Now that an engagement is sprung upon her by the stern elvish king, she has to fulfill a fifty-day betrothal period in Torden surrounded by strangers . . . unless she can wreak enough havoc to get sent back home.

These poor orcs don't know what they're in for.

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