The Adventures of Alan Shaw

From homeless urchin to world-class adventurer, Alan Shaw has tackled magic, myths and machines, lost love and made one fatal mistake.

Now, his past is catching up with him.

Haunted by the murderous Mister Slay and his blood curse, Alan finds himself in constant pain, embittered by loss, and weighed down by regret.

With his life as a globe-trotting Privateer at an end, Alan now works as London’s best preternatural investigator, and moonlights as a police consultant for their “odder” cases. Alan is kept busy, drawn between both ends of the moral spectrum.

Between criminal organisations, ancient relics coming to life in the British Museum, and a figure from his distant past threatening to take revenge on those he loves, it seems that danger is ever-eager to come to him.

With excitement, dry wit, and a lot of heart comes this much-anticipated conclusion to an epic Steampunk trilogy.

“Adventure, comedy, fiendish machines, dire plots and desperate heroism, with a charming side-order of subverting the action tropes. An excellent read.” – Nimue Brown, author of Hopeless, Maine.

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