"The Star" is an 1897 apocalyptic short story by H.G. Wells. In January (about 1900, presumably), the people of Earth awaken to the news that a strange luminous object has erupted, into the Solar System, after disturbing the normal orbit of the planet Neptune. The object is a celestial body whose luminosity is distinguishable on the sky about the constellation of Leo.
Das Kristallei
H. G. Wells
audiobookDer Krieg der Welten (Ungekürzt)
H. G. Wells
audiobookThe Invisible Man (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookDer Krieg der Welten, Buch 2: Die Erde unter den Marsianern (Ungekürzt)
H. G. Wells
audiobookDer Unsichtbare (Ungekürzt)
H. G. Wells
audiobookDer Krieg der Welten, Buch 1: Die Ankunft der Marsianer (Ungekürzt)
H. G. Wells
audiobookTwelve Stories and a Dream (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookThe Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookAn Englishman Looks at the World (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookWhat is Coming? - A Forecast of Things After the War (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookThe World Set Free (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookThe War in the Air - And Particularly How Mr. Bert Smallways Fared While It Lasted (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells