This volume describes, in layman´s terms and yet against a well-founded scientific background, how early Christianity was transformed from a rural to a urban movement. The author describes the contours of what later became known as Christianity.This volume offers a broad description of the developmental history of early Christianity. It provides indepth information in easy-to-understand terms about how the originally rural movement called Christianity eventually became an urban entity. Particularly the "environment" of early Christianity and the social and religious structures as well as the architecture of the ancient city are described in detail. Ebner presents us with the temple and imperial cults of the time, life in the domestic household, and the role of the mystery cults along with the philosophy and important municipal mores of the day: oracles, healing cults, magic. Each chapter asks the question: How much did the Christians integrate existing structures and at what junctures did they modify them? Those junctures are the ones at which the outline of early Christianity becomes clearest.
Braucht die Katholische Kirche Priester? : Eine Vergewisserung aus dem Neuen Testament
Martin Ebner
bookVon heulenden Wölfen, seufzenden Schafen & anderem Getier : Humorvolle und kritische Geschichten rund um Menschen, Tiere und die Jagd
Martin Ebner
bookNeunzehn Gedichte
Martin Ebner, Renate Fuchs, Ralf Wolf
bookWann wachsen Dir Flügel?
Martin Ebner, Karin Fellner, Manfred H. Freude, Peter J. Heuser, Klára Hurková, Hartwig Mauritz, Thorsten Orlikowsky, Tom Witkowski, Ralf Wolf
bookVerse aus der Barockfabrik
Martin Ebner, Renate Fuchs, Dieter Hans, Hartwig Mauritz, Thorsten Orlikowsky, Karin Peters, Robert Schmid, Marita Tank
bookDer Brief an Philemon
Martin Ebner
bookVon Wildschweinen, Joggerinnen und anderen Ungeheuerlichkeiten : Kritische und humorvolle Betrachtungen rund um die Jagd
Martin Ebner
bookDie österreichische Hochschul-E-Learning-Landschaft
Erwin Bratengeyer, Hans-Peter Steinbacher, Martina Friesenbichler, Kristina Neuböck, Michael Kopp, Ortrun Gröblinger, Martin Ebner