
The Harvard Classics: Complete 51-Volume Collection : The Greatest Works of World Literature


e-artnow presents to you this meticulously edited Harvard Classics collection: V. 1: Franklin, Woolman & Penn V. 2: Plato, Epictetus & Marcus Aurelius V. 3: Bacon, Milton's Prose, Browne V. 4 Complete Poems by John Milton V. 5: Essays & English Traits by Emerson V. 6: Poems and Songs by Robert Burns V. 7: The Confessions of Saint Augustine & The Imitation of Christ V. 8: Nine Greek Dramas V. 9: Cicero and Pliny V. 10: The Wealth of Nations V. 11: The Origin of Species V. 12: Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans V. 13: Aeneid V. 14: Don Quixote V. 15: Bunyan & Walton V. 16: The Thousand and One Nights V. 17: Folklore & Fable: Aesop, Grimm & Andersen V. 18: Modern English Drama V. 19: Goethe & Marlowe V. 20: The Divine Comedy V. 21: I Promessi Sposi V. 22: The Odyssey V. 23: Two Years Before the Mast V. 24: Edmund Burke: French Revolution… V. 25: J. S. Mill & T. Carlyle V. 26: Continental Drama V. 27: English Essays: Sidney to Macaulay V. 28: Essays: English and American V. 29: The Voyage of the Beagle V. 30: Scientific Papers V. 31: Benvenuto Cellini V. 32: Literary and Philosophical Essays V. 33: Voyages & Travels V. 34: French & English Philosophers V. 35: Chronicle and Romance V. 36: Machiavelli, Roper, More, Luther V. 37: Locke, Berkeley, Hume V. 38: Harvey, Jenner, Lister, Pasteur V. 39: Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books V. 40: English Poetry 1: from Chaucer to Gray V. 41: English Poetry 2: from Collins to Fitzgerald V. 42: English Poetry 3: from Tennyson to Whitman V. 43: American Historical Documents V. 44: Sacred Writings 1: Confucian, Hebrew & Christian V. 45: Sacred Writings 2: Christian, Buddhist, Hindu & Mohammedan V. 46: Elizabethan Drama 1: Marlowe & Shakespeare V. 47: Elizabethan Drama 2: Dekker, Jonson, Webster, Massinger, Beaumont and Fletcher V. 48: Thoughts, Letters & Minor Works of Pascal V. 49: Epic and Saga V. 50: The Editor's Introduction & Reader's Guide V. 51: Lectures

Autor*in: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Autor*in: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing Autor*in: Thomas Carlyle Autor*in: Plato Autor*in: René Descartes Autor*in: Immanuel Kant Autor*in: Charles Darwin Autor*in: Martin Luther Autor*in: Robert Louis Stevenson Autor*in: William Shakespeare Autor*in: Dante Alighieri Autor*in: Euripides Autor*in: Percy Bysshe Shelley Autor*in: Charles Lamb Autor*in: Henry David Thoreau Autor*in: Samuel Johnson Autor*in: John Stuart Mill Autor*in: David Hume Autor*in: Joseph Addison Autor*in: John Locke Autor*in: John Fletcher Autor*in: Francis Beaumont Autor*in: Leigh Hunt Autor*in: Epictetus Autor*in: Thomas De Quincey Autor*in: Samuel Taylor Coleridge Autor*in: Jonathan Swift Autor*in: Christopher Marlowe Autor*in: Jacob Grimm Autor*in: Wilhelm Grimm Autor*in: William Hazlitt Autor*in: Marcus Tullius Cicero Autor*in: Daniel Defoe Autor*in: Aesop Autor*in: Richard Henry Dana Autor*in: John Dryden Autor*in: Philip Massinger Autor*in: Pedro Calderón de la Barca Autor*in: John Ruskin Autor*in: Oliver Wendell Holmes Autor*in: Ernest Renan Autor*in: Robert Burns Autor*in: David Garrick Autor*in: Ralph Waldo Emerson Autor*in: John Webster Autor*in: Izaak Walton Autor*in: John Bunyan Autor*in: James Russell Lowell Autor*in: Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve Autor*in: Homer Autor*in: Edmund Burke Autor*in: Plutarch Autor*in: Molière Autor*in: Aeschylus Autor*in: Michael Faraday Autor*in: Sophocles Autor*in: William Makepeace Thackeray Autor*in: Benjamin Franklin Autor*in: Pierre Corneille Autor*in: Jean Racine Autor*in: Voltaire Autor*in: Robert Browning Autor*in: Oliver Goldsmith Autor*in: Thomas Dekker Autor*in: John Milton Autor*in: Aristophanes Autor*in: Blaise Pascal Autor*in: Virgil Autor*in: Simon Newcomb Autor*in: William Penn Autor*in: Walter Bigges Autor*in: Philip Sidney Autor*in: Herodotus Autor*in: Walter Raleigh Autor*in: Francis Bacon Autor*in: Giuseppe Mazzini Autor*in: Francis Pretty Autor*in: George Berkeley Autor*in: Thomas Hobbes Autor*in: Adam Smith Autor*in: Alessandro Manzoni Autor*in: Abraham Cowley Autor*in: Michel de Montaigne Autor*in: Ben Jonson Autor*in: John Woolman Autor*in: Benvenuto Cellini Autor*in: Sydney Smith Autor*in: Jean Froissart Autor*in: William Henry Harrison Autor*in: William Harvey Autor*in: Marcus Aurelius Autor*in: Hans Christian Andersen Autor*in: Thomas Malory Autor*in: George Gordon Byron Autor*in: Thomas à Kempis Autor*in: Richard Steele Autor*in: Thomas Browne Autor*in: Archibald Geikie Autor*in: Thomas Babington Macaulay Autor*in: Tacitus Autor*in: William Roper Autor*in: Hippocrates Autor*in: Miguel de Cervantes Autor*in: Thomas More Autor*in: Friedrich von Schiller Autor*in: Philip Nichols Autor*in: Louis Pasteur Autor*in: Joseph Lister Autor*in: Jean Jacques Rousseau Autor*in: Pliny the Younger Autor*in: Edgar Alan Poe Autor*in: Saint Augustine Autor*in: Brinsley Sheridan Autor*in: Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz Autor*in: Francis Drake Autor*in: Edward Haies Autor*in: Niccolo Machiavelli Autor*in: Ambroise Paré Autor*in: William A. Neilson