
Bank On Yourself : The Life-Changing Secret to Growing and Protecting Your Financial Future


Would You Like to Substantially Increase the Wealth You Have Available to Use and Enjoy Throughout Your Lifetime—Without Gambling Your Hard-Earned Money in Stocks, Real Estate, or Other Risky Investments?

As the prospect of a secure financial future and a comfortable retirement becomes increasingly remote for many, and experts are concluding that conventional investing and financial planning strategies aren’t working, Pamela Yellen reveals an extraordinary, little-known but time-tested method for growing wealth safely and predictably, even when the stock and real estate markets and other investments tumble.

In this audio book, Yellen reveals the secrets to taking back control of your financial future that Wall Street, banks, and credit card companies don’t want you to know. You’ll discover how to:

• Have a rock-solid financial plan and a predictable retirement income that can last as long as you do—with no luck, skill or guesswork required

• Turn your back on the stomach-churning twists and turns of the stock and real estate markets

• Get back every penny you pay for your cars, vacations, home repairs, business equipment, a college education, and other major purchases, so you can enjoy more of life’s luxuries today without robbing your nest-egg! (The average family could increase their lifetime wealth by $500,000 to $1,000,000 or more using this method, without the risk or volatility of stocks and real estate)

• Become your own source of financing and recapture the interest you pay to banks and finance companies—reduce or eliminate the control those institutions have over you.