The third installment in the Bookworm series, The Best Laid Plans follows immediately from the events in The Very Ugly Duckling, with Elaine and Johan joined by other favorite characters as they try to track down the Witch-King.
The Revolutionary War
Christopher Nuttall
audiobookThe Truthful Lie
Christopher Nuttall
audiobookThe Ancient Lie
Christopher Nuttall
audiobookThunder & Lightning
Leo Champion, Christopher Nuttall
audiobookSons of Liberty
Christopher Nuttall
Christopher Nuttall
audiobookThe Great Game
Christopher Nuttall
audiobookThe Royal Sorceress
Christopher Nuttall
audiobookThe Promised Lie
Christopher Nuttall
audiobookBookworm IV
Christopher Nuttall
audiobookBookworm III
Christopher Nuttall
audiobookBookworm II
Christopher Nuttall
The Closer You Come
Gena Showalter
audiobookParental Guidance : A Hot Hockey Romantic Comedy
Avery Flynn
Mary Frame
audiobookGet a Life, Chloe Brown : A Novel
Talia Hibbert
audiobookThe Hating Game : A Novel
Sally Thorne
audiobookThe Charmer
Avery Flynn
audiobookMust Love Otters
Eliza Gordon
audiobookbookKiss an Angel
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
audiobookHard Pass
Sara Ney