
Contented Cows Still Give Better Milk, Revised and Expanded


Contented Cows Talk Back offers fad-free prescriptive advice for managers, presented from an employee viewpoint. That point-of-view is informed by the authors combined 4+ decades of training and consulting with thousands of managers and employees, conducting employee engagement surveys, and translating the attendant learning to management audiences in a form they can appreciate and use. This book is not, repeat, not a management tome. Rather, it is a real world guide for managers about how to be successful in the leadership aspects of their jobs. At its core, management is simple. It can become difficult, though, when people, together with their feelings, foibles, agendas, and differences are introduced into the mix. Contented Cows Talk Back provides actionable intelligence, direct from the horses -er- cows mouth about what employees need, want, and dont want from their leaders in order to do their very best work. Start doing this Stop doing that. Its the c