Du kan ændre dit liv nu! er forfatteren Mike Dooleys inspirerende og livsbekræftende bog om at manifestere den bedste version af sit liv. Bogen er sprængfyldt af inspiration, indsigt i universets spirituelle love og praktisk viden om, hvordan vi realiserer vores fulde potentiale og skaber vores drømmeliv. Det handler grundlæggende om at forstå, at tanker skaber ting, og at blive opmærksom på, hvor vores fokus er, hvad der er vores intentioner og blive bevidst om vores drømme og ønsker. Bogen er let læst, motiverende og fuld af praktiske anvisninger.
The Complete Notes From the Universe
Mike Dooley
audiobookEven More Notes From the Universe : Dancing Life's Dance
Mike Dooley
bookMore Notes From the Universe : Life, Dreams and Happiness
Mike Dooley
audiobookbookNotes from the Universe : New Perspectives from an Old Friend
Mike Dooley
audiobookbookLeveraging the Universe: 7 Steps to Engaging Life's Magic
Mike Dooley
bookManifesting Change: It Couldn't Be Easier
Mike Dooley
audiobookbook2012: Prophecies and Possibilities: Surviving and Thriving Amidst Great Change
Mike Dooley
audiobookInfinite Possibilities (10th Anniversary) : The Art of Living Your Dreams
Mike Dooley
bookChoose Them Wisely : Thoughts Become Things!
Mike Dooley
audiobookbookInfinite Possibilities (10th Anniversary): The Art of Living your Dreams
Mike Dooley
audiobookEven More Notes From the Universe: Dancing Life's Dance
Mike Dooley
Thoughts from the Heart of the Soul : Meditations on Emotional Awareness
Gary Zukav, Linda Francis
bookHex Your Ex : And 100+ Other Spells to Right Wrongs and Banish Bad Luck for Good
audiobookbookManifesting with Alignment : A Guide on How to Align Your Energy and Manifest Your Dreams into Reality
Maggie Hobson
audiobookThe Ultimate Weight Solution : The 7 Keys to Weight Loss Freedom
Phil McGraw
bookThe Magic Of Affirmation Power
Michele Blood
audiobookThe Complete Guide to Adaptogens : From Ashwagandha to Rhodiola, Medicinal Herbs That Transform and Heal
Agatha Noveille
bookBook of Meditations for Every Day in the Year
James Allen
book365 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power : Tips, Exercise, Advice
Carolyn Dean, Valentine Dmitriev, Donna Raskin
bookChangeology : 5 Steps to Realizing Your Goals and Resolutions
John C. Norcross
bookThe Seven Goals of Life
Rodolfo Martin Vitangcol
book10 Advice I would give to my 30-year-old self
James Fries
bookSexy and Free
Perry Pitts