A few minutes passed, and Martin, lazily tapping his pencil on paper, seemed to have little interest in sounds. Then suddenly his attitude changed, his back straightened, and a look of passionate interest illuminated his sharp gray eyes. The door of the large room opened, and a boy came in quickly, a boy about the same age as Martin, but as dark and thin as Martin, tall and bright.
Strong-Hand Saxon : A Boy’s Adventure With a Canadian Scout in the North-West
T.C. Bridges
bookMarlow of the Mounted
T.C. Bridges
bookThe City of No Escape
T.C. Bridges
bookDriven to Sea
T.C. Bridges
bookA Fight for Fortune : Or, The Tiger of Batol
T.C. Bridges
bookMountains of the Moon
T.C. Bridges
bookMen of the Mist
T.C. Bridges
bookThe Mystery Message : A Story of South American Adventure
T.C. Bridges
bookStones from the Sky : A Tale for Boys
T.C. Bridges
bookThe Man from Montevideo
T.C. Bridges
bookThe Hidden Enemy
T.C. Bridges
bookThe Golden Key
T.C. Bridges