
Never Quit Climbing : Overcoming Life's Seemingly Insurmountable Mountains


Never Quit Climbing is a book about hope, guidance, wisdom and the determination to overcome. Using principles gleaned in actual hiking and climbing, Gary Sinclair takes the reader through a personal journey of learning to as a young person love and value the mountains to the moment years later when his wife Jackie heard that she had stage three colorectal cancer. Ironically, she had just accomplished her first fourteen thousand foot summit three months before her diagnosis.

During the next eighteen months she and Gary walked up their mountain of cancer, learning to put into practice the principles they used to summit mountains of granite. Those same concepts were clearly applicable to all sorts of personal mountains so Gary wrote each nugget down in NQC.

The reader will discover, in a wrapping of story and inspiration, how practical and inspiring the principles are no matter the mountain faced: debt, struggling relationship, grief, job loss, illness, etc.

Each chapter contains questions at the end for further thought or discussion. Anyone facing a big challenge will benefit from Never Quit Climbing. As the author often says, The View From The Top Is Worth It!

Narrator: Tim Sinclair