
Psychopath Killers : Cold-Hearted Murderers Like Pablo Escobar and Edmund Kemper


This combo consists of two true crime books, which are:

Pablo Escobar - One of the big lords of the drug cartels in Colombia is Pablo Escobar, a criminal who became a leader and expanded his influence on organized crime throughout the North and South American continents. With billions in his bank account, in cash, and in other assents, it’s not easy to ignore his name and the power he gained.

In 1976, Escobar established the Medellín Cartel, which dispersed powder cocaine, and developed the first smuggling paths into the United States. In the 1982 Colombian parliamentary election, Escobar was chosen as an alternate member of the Chamber of Representatives as part of the Liberal Alternative movement.

Edmund Kemper - Initially diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, and after a separation of his parents, Edmund Kemper already showed his twisted mind at 15 years old, when he murdered both his grandparents, who were taking care of him. Whether through nature or nurture, this man didn’t show a promising future from the get-go. But perhaps nobody could have suspected the horrors he would inflict on his many victims later in his life.

Edmund Kemper, born in 1948, has become a notorious serial killer. He is known for having raped, mutilated, and murdered young women and especially hitchhikers. Being labelled with being a necrophile and a cannibal, his crimes have been exposed, partially by himself, and even though he has requested the death penalty, he is still locked up for life.

If this is not enough to pique your interest, then I don’t know what is. Hurry up and start reading or listening to this book.

Narrator: Chris Newman