
Tea Drinking in 18th-Century America: Its Etiquette and Equipage


Rodris Roth's 'Tea Drinking in 18th-Century America: Its Etiquette and Equipage' is a meticulously researched exploration of the cultural significance of tea in colonial America. Roth delves into the social etiquette surrounding tea drinking, examining the intricate rituals and practices that were followed in elite American society. Through detailed descriptions of the equipment and utensils used in tea consumption, Roth provides a fascinating insight into the material culture of the time. The book is written in a scholarly yet accessible style, making it suitable for both academics and general readers interested in history and cultural studies. Roth's attention to detail and deep knowledge of the subject make this book an invaluable resource for anyone looking to understand the role of tea in shaping social interactions in 18th-century America. Rodris Roth, a renowned historian of material culture, brings her expertise to bear in 'Tea Drinking in 18th-Century America.' Roth's background in social history and her passion for uncovering the everyday practices of the past have undoubtedly informed her writing in this book. Her meticulous research and nuanced analysis make this work a standout in the field of culinary history. I highly recommend 'Tea Drinking in 18th-Century America: Its Etiquette and Equipage' to anyone interested in the social history of colonial America or the cultural significance of tea consumption. Roth's engaging writing style and thorough exploration of the subject make this book a must-read for scholars, history enthusiasts, and anyone curious about the customs and rituals of the past.