
Testbok - ska ej lånas ut - Fundamental Accessibility Tests for Reading Systems



Status of this Document

This publication is currently considered [stable] by the DAISY Consortium and is in support of the efforts of the W3C EPUB 3 Community Group.

This publication is one of several that comprise the EPUB 3 Accessibility Test Suite.

About this Document

This document contains tests which are fundamental to the accessibility of Reading Systems for users with disabilities. The advanced tests are contained in separate EPUB publications found in the test suite.

A reading system with fundamental accessibility should support reading by eyes, ears or fingers. This means it should be possible for users to read the content of this document by:

adjusting the display, such as adjusting font size and color combination

reading the text with screen readers and read aloud

reading the text with a refreshable Braille display


The following conventions are used throughout the document:

The test labels include an ID such as file-010. These test IDs correspond to the entries in the accessibility evaluation forms on www.epubtest.org

Performing the tests

The Reading Systems will be evaluated by various testers using different combinations of assistive technology. There will be a test report for each combination. Testers may perform the tests given in this book using keyboard, mouse or touch/gestures as input. For output testers may use audio (via screen reader and/or read aloud), visual adjustments or refreshable Braille.

If you are a non-visual user using a screen reader or if you are testing the reading system without a screen then you will most likely complete the following test sections:

Basic functionality tests

Navigation tests

Highlight, notes and bookmarks

Non-visual reading tests

If you are a sighted reader, whether low vision or you have a learning difference such as dyslexia, then you will most likely complete the following test sections:

Basic functionality tests

Navigation tests

Highlight, notes and bookmarks

Visual adjustment tests

Read aloud tests

Each test includes a description of its purpose followed by the actual test statement, which can be evaluated to true or false.

The result of each test should be recorded in the corresponding field in the form on the website. Comments are very helpful, and should be noted in the space provided in the online form.

The tests given in this book should be self-explanatory, however evaluators and developers may find it useful to refer to the additional guidance document that can be downloaded from www.epubtest.org/instructions

EPUB3: Fixed format, Video