In the charming coastal town of Pebblebrook, a baffling mystery unravels when precious antique knitting needles vanish from the local crafting guild. Retired marine biologist and avid knitter Evelyn Chen finds herself at the heart of this perplexing case, transforming from a peaceful retiree into an unlikely detective.
Teaming up with her tech-savvy granddaughter and a colorful cast of eccentric locals, Evelyn embarks on a thrilling journey through a labyrinth of suspects. From rival crafters to antique collectors and even the beloved town mayor, everyone's a potential culprit. As she navigates this web of deceit, Evelyn uncovers clues ingeniously hidden within intricate knitting patterns and long-buried family histories.
This delightful cozy mystery, "The Knitting Needle Enigma", weaves together the charm of a small seaside community with the excitement of puzzle-solving. Readers will be captivated by the unique blend of knitting lore, marine biology facts, and intergenerational sleuthing. As the annual Coastal Craft Fair approaches, Evelyn must race against time to unravel a decades-old secret that may be the key to solving the enigma of the missing needles.