From preparing for the very first lesson to mastering fiendish fingering and performance anxiety, this inspirational guide helps teachers nurture and support students at every level and develop a love of the piano. With musical communication at its heart, The Piano Teacher's Survival Guide tackles universal issues and common frustrations faced by all pianists as well as improving and developing teaching skills and piano technique.
The Piano Teacher's Survival Guide
- 1 book
Anthony Williams
Anthony Williams is a UK-based developer and consultant with many years experience in C++. He has been an active member of the BSI C++ Standards Panel since 2001, and is author or coauthor of many of the C++ Standards Committee papers that led up to the inclusion of the thread library in the new C++ Standard, known as C++11 or C++0x. He has been the maintainer of the Boost Thread library since 2006, and is the developer of the just::thread implementation of the C++11 thread library from Just Software Solutions Ltd. Anthony lives in the far west of Cornwall, England.
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