
The Strength Within


In 1979, I was three months pregnant with my second child and in excruciating pain, pain Iā€™d been dealing

with every day for almost 15 months. I couldnā€™t walk, I couldnā€™t stand, I couldnā€™t sleep. In just a year, Iā€™d

gone from being an active young woman to being almost entirely incapacitated. Everything was pain.

Trying to find the cause was almost as bad as the diagnosis. At every turn, I was told nothing was wrong.

Nobody was helping.

Another three months passed and I went in for my six-month check-up with my obstetrician. He, too, told

me everything was fineā€¦ but it definitely was not. I broke down in tears in his office. I couldnā€™t do it

anymore. The agony was too much and I was at my witā€™s end. He took me seriously and what happened

next would change my life forever.

After 18 months, I finally had a diagnosis - 1st April 1980 - It was a tumour the size of a tennis ball on my

knee. It was Cancer. Almost in the same breath they said that I would have to have my leg amputated

above the knee and oh by the way, he said, highly probable that I would lose the baby as it wouldnā€™t survive

the trauma of the surgery. I was 26 years old and 26 weeks pregnant.

After 40 years since diagnosis, Iā€™m still hereā€¦ and that wasnā€™t the only time I was told I had cancer. Yes, Iā€™ve survived a lot,

but Iā€™m just like anyone else. The strength is within us all. You just have to reach for it. There is light at the

end of the tunnel, even when you canā€™t see it. You just have to keep going, especially when it seems like

you have nothing left.

Narrator: Jane Bayly