Janine Joseph

{ "en": { "desc": "<p>Born in the Philippines, Janine Joseph is a formerly undocumented poet, librettist, and the author of <em>Decade of the Brain: Poems</em> and the prize-winning <em>Driving Without a License.</em> Her poetry, essays, and critical writings have appeared in numerous publications, including <em>The Nation,</em> the <em>Atlantic, Poetry Northwest, Orion, Poets &#38; Writers</em>, and the Smithsonian’s “What It Means to Be American” project, and she has created works commissioned for the Houston Grand Opera, Washington Master Chorale, and Symphony New Hampshire. A recipient of Fellowships from MacDowell, Bread Loaf, and the Paul and Daisy Soros Foundation, Joseph is an Associate Professor of Creative Writing at Virginia Tech. She lives in Blacksburg, VA.</p>", "tag": "publisher" } }