
50 shades of LEAN


This story is about 50 unique Lean journeys. Through the years, we, the authors of this book, have come in contact with large amount of Lean efforts. Our overall picture is that on the one hand, most efforts go well at first, but that long-term effect isn't achieved and the air gradually goes out. On the other hand, there are several well-known companies which have managed to achieve sustainable competitive advantages and high performance levels, supported by a successful Lean initiative. We were curious and interested to find out what it looks like and why. We started from a number of key questions we wanted answered:

What are the companies' purpose of a Lean effort?

What does the efficiency look like in various Lean efforts?

What does the life cycle look like for different Lean efforts?

Why do so few experience sustained success with Lean?

For the companies that do not have a sustained successful Lean effort, there is hope. A correctly performed revitalization of the Lean effort pays off. The story describes what makes a difference between companies that are successful in their Lean effort and what characterizes a well-performed revitalization.


"50 Shades of Lean is an exciting, fresh, easy-to-read and very rewarding Lean book. Unlike the vast amount of Lean books, the authors describe and analyze why Lean projects succeed or fail - in the long run. At a conference in Stockholm in 2010, I said that few Swedish companies will use Lean in ten years. The problem is that it is too easy to start new change projects, but very hard to create endurance in the change effort. The authors of 50 Shades of Lean provide concrete advise on what businesses need to do if they want their change efforts to be successful for a long time to come. This fact-based book should therefore be mandatory reading for all organizations - both before starting lean / change projects and during the journey."

- Dag Näslund, Associate Professor of Process and Supply Chain Management at Lund University and Associate Professor of Management, at the University of North Florida, USA.

"An interesting analysis that goes deeper into the known problem that many Lean initiatives do not give expected results. The study highlights key success factors such as a long-term view and perseverance in the Lean transformation, management's ownership and commitment to both managers and employees. I recommend anyone who wants to succeed in a long term with Lean to take note of the conclusions of this book."

- Peter Alvarsson, Head of Operational Excellence & Lean, Sweden Operations AstraZeneca

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