
Beekeeping: Growing a Backyard Business with Bees


The following topics are included in this 2-book combo:

Book 1: This book will help you understand beekeeping and bees in general better. After some remarks about planning and beehive types, several topics will be addressed, such as:

- What yellow coats or jackets can do.

- Which bee houses there are, and which ones work best for which bees.

- Hiving a swarm.

- How to pick the right apiary site.

- The difference between the queen bees, the workers, and the drones.

- And several other tips you will need to get started.

Book 2: Are you interested in beekeeping?

Are you wondering how you can make a beekeeping business profitable?

These are just two of the many questions that will be answered in this book. Along with an extensive business plan, this guide offers information about bee stings and diseases, the anatomy of bees, pollinators, swarms, packaged bees, honey business, and so much more. You cannot mis this essential gem of a book. Get it now!

Narrator: Mark Milroy